Live Bald Eagle Nest Camera
Friends of Big Bear Valley been providing the Big Bear Bald Eagle Nest Camera for a live view of eagle life. The viewing is very active during the time they are sitting on their eggs. See the frequently added photos and posts on our Facebook page.
Nest Camera
Here is more information about the bald eagles in Big Bear on the Friends of Big Bear Valley website:
- Read about their History
- Frequently asked questions
- Updated stories.

Friends of Big Bear Valley
Here is a link to "Our Special Nature" describing the three rare habitats: Each of the 3 rare habitats host their own diverse species. Pebble Plains habitat and several of the plants there exist nowhere else in the world. Our valley’s Montane Meadows (i.e. mountain meadows) are unique compared to all other mountain meadows and host species that exist only here. And although Carbonate habitat exists in other places, it is very rare in the world.

Also we have "what to look for" while you are in Big Bear on the Friends of Big Bear Valley website:
- Look For Animals Wildlife
- Look For Plants Plant life